Over the last few weeks I have found myself unable to put my saddle on my personal horse.
She has a laceration on the point of the hip. This required being cleaned by the vet to ensure that all foreign objects have been removed. She was on antibiotics for 5 days orally and vet strongly recommended to keep in full exercise while she heals as she can easily develop swelling of the legs being stalled.

I have been enjoying riding my mare bareback on the trails building my core strength.
While going up the last hill to the trail on our 2.5 mile trail ride out of Sterling Point, my mare tripped, almost going down. Being able to stay on my mare while she scrambled to get her feet under her is why I love my job teaching others how to stay balanced and safe with a strong foundation.
My friend who was riding with us had a laugh as I just gave my horse her face and allowed her to do what she needed.
Equitation helps you to sit correctly with and without a saddle. Having Liberty and groundwork helps to build a strong feel for your horse and your movement when you ride.